Introduction - Cook at home Mantra

Who doesn't love tasty and good food?

And if all the food one likes is available at home? I am sure it seems impossible to think of preparing everything at home in today's fast and busy lifestyle. Well, I believe if we want have 'tasty' and “good” food then it ought to be prepared at home!!!

Now, by 'tasty' I simply mean tongue-friendly food :-)

But, by “Good” I mean a lot of things:
Hygienic, Healthy, Nutritious, Diet Conscious and most important – 'Divine'


Yes, Divine!!! 
I call a food 'Divine' if its prepared will-fully, with good intentions & pure mind and offered with love. The first four characteristics of the 'Good' food can be bought. Its the fifth one which we all need the most, but, can get only at home. Either by cooking ourselves or by our loved ones.

The 'Divine' food is not only good for our physical health but is also instrumental in improving and stabilizing our mental health, mind and soul. This has the power to relieve stress, mental tension, and many psychological complexities & disorders. This divine nature of food was practised by our forefathers for thousands of years. No wonder they could invent such great sciences like DhyAna, PraNAyama, Yoga, Ayurveda etc.

|| aham vaiSvAnarO bhUtvA prANinAm dEhamASritaH

prANApAna samAyuktaH pachAmyannam chaturvidham ||

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter XV, verse 14

This Blog would be a list of all wonderful recipes which I prepare 'successfully'. Every recipe here would have undergone an iterative trial-and-error effort in picking up the BEST and EASIEST of recipes for every item. I hope you would love it.

Happy Cooking!!! :-)
